Water and Quiet


Water is said to be very calming for everyone, especially those who have it hard. Being around water, looking and hearing the sound of flowing waters – all these result in an experience of “familiarity” for the brain, as opposed to “strangeness”. The Blue Mind function of the brain is that of “I know the motion, sounds and sights, this is a safe place for me…”

We remained there, standing one next to the other. I try to hold you, calm you, promise that it will be all right and that there is nothing to worry because I, your mother, is always loving, always helping and guarding. I understand what your eyes ask of me and know how to read the thoughts in your mind. I know. You don’t want to be here right now, in this big blue sea.

The weekend evening hours are the perfect time for us to get to the beach. You enjoy yourself and relax and even let yourself be independent in the water, without us touching you and without any protection. In the past we had to stand at both your sides and guard that you don’t go to the deep water, don’t drift with the waves and fail to stand on your feet, don’t fall and lose the direction of the beach because sometimes you don’t get directions and cannot feel your body where it is at. This time, despite arriving at the familiar beach, I saw how hard it is for you to walk on the sand in which you liked to splurge so much. How hard it is for you to enter the water or to enjoy the pleasant breeze which just amplified for you the sound of the waves. I saw that you tried to go in the water although it was hard for you, and when I watched you it seemed you managed to enjoy it at times. But the minute we got out for a short break you could no longer handle the pressure.

You asked to be alone, you screamed for quiet and all the people around looked at you shouting and wriggling and did not understand you. They only saw and heard the noise, went on their way and you and me are left standing there, next to each other.

I quickly realized that I cannot ask you to keep on coping, so we left, walking fast. Luckily the car was close, we got into it and drove home. I looked at you in the mirror on the way. You were quiet and looked outside. I couldn’t help but smile at your amazing smile with those dimples. This is how you are when we get home, to your room with your own private corner, to your safe haven where control of the noise and the quiet is all yours.

You looked at me and I felt that your eyes telling me thank you. Thank you for listening to you and understanding. I looked back at you and smiled. This is why I am here. I left you alone with yourself. I felt that was right. And I just thought to myself again what a pity… a pity for all those people standing around there, who heard and saw only the noise. A pity that they are not here to see your magic and beauty.


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I’ve been thinking for a few days about the post that I should write.But Then, a story was aired in the “Kan” channel about Meshi Peretz, a girl on the autistic spectrum who died in the cared-persons group home where she was living.


This is still the beginning of the year and he has a very hard time. The class is the same, the group of kids did not change, the “sponsoring” class was not changed and only some of the staff was replaced. I wondered why is he having such a hard time?

Special Friend

They say that every kid needs one grownup to be believe in him. I think that every kid needs also to feel significant for another kid to see him as a role model.

Picture of Tamar Frank

Tamar Frank

Hi, I am Tamar Frank. I am the mother of two girls and his mother, a boy on the autistic spectrum, who dreams and aspires for him. For him and for herself. Struggling 24/7 but a hopeless optimistic. I want you to understand how it is to be that kind of mother, and if not you are kindly invited to ask. If you too are ‘his’ or ‘her’ parents then you will not feel alone. If you do not have ‘special’ kids, let’s meet so that you do not shy away.

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