

I’ve been thinking for a few days about the post that I should write.But Then, a story was aired in the “Kan” channel about Meshi Peretz, a girl on the autistic spectrum who died in the cared-persons group home where she was living.

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This is still the beginning of the year and he has a very hard time. The class is the same, the group of kids did not change, the “sponsoring” class was not changed and only some of the staff was replaced. I wondered why is he having such a hard time?

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Special Friend

They say that every kid needs one grownup to be believe in him. I think that every kid needs also to feel significant for another kid to see him as a role model.

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Water and Quiet

Water is said to be very calming for everyone , especially those who have it hard. This time, despite arriving at the familiar beach, I saw how hard it is for you to walk on the sand in which you liked to splurge so much.

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Not Alone

The high number of therapists and experts that we meet does not alleviate the feeling of being alone in this journey. G is one of those therapists that only those very few with lots of luck get to benefit from her guidance. After a very long time, I finally felt we are not alone.

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A Taste of Life

I tried for a long time to finish watching the first episode of ‘Yellow Peppers’. I could not deal with the emotions that quickly arose, so I gave up. A few days ago, my daughters went together with their grandmother to watch a new Italian movie – “A Taste of Life”. They came back with enthusiasm and encouraged me to watch it. So I decided to make a brave step and to go. I dragged my husband along and prayed for the best.

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Eating Disorder Mom

In the past two weeks, something is again happening in his little body and disrupts his routine. He is withdrawn in himself, becomes more sensitive

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I Want Home

I arrive at his classroom and again he is there, behind the table cornered by two chairs. This is the corner they found for him

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Let Them Play

  Miriam from the Akadem Association in Modi’in, a unique non-profit association acting for children on the autistic spectrum and their families, contacted me to

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