Day: July 25, 2019

A Taste of Life

I tried for a long time to finish watching the first episode of ‘Yellow Peppers’. I could not deal with the emotions that quickly arose, so I gave up. A few days ago, my daughters went together with their grandmother to watch a new Italian movie – “A Taste of Life”. They came back with enthusiasm and encouraged me to watch it. So I decided to make a brave step and to go. I dragged my husband along and prayed for the best.

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Eating Disorder Mom

In the past two weeks, something is again happening in his little body and disrupts his routine. He is withdrawn in himself, becomes more sensitive

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Picture of Tamar Frank

Tamar Frank

Hi, I am Tamar Frank. I am the mother of two girls and his mother, a boy on the autistic spectrum, who dreams and aspires for him. For him and for herself. Struggling 24/7 but a hopeless optimistic. I want you to understand how it is to be that kind of mother, and if not you are kindly invited to ask. If you too are ‘his’ or ‘her’ parents then you will not feel alone. If you do not have ‘special’ kids, let’s meet so that you do not shy away.
