
Minor joys can become major ones if we only allow them. Such as observing a child’s drawing, realizing how rich it is!!!

A figure, wearing a hat and sun glasses, perhaps a smile with a widely open mouth. It is a simple drawing, but expresses the feelings and experiences in his mind, red over white. A drawing which looks insignificant but is far from being so. Knowing that its meaning is clear, but realizing that the ability to transmit it is not to be taken for granted. It is the first time that he is able to express himself in painting and it is magical.

Such is hearing the sounds of chewing during the meal; the mouth is open but not for a moment considered impolite. Since this “someone” whose chewing is so loud, did not put any food in his mouth for weeks (nourished by liquid alone), was terribly restless from hunger and could concentrate on almost nothing – we are hypnotized by this sound and consider it wonderful and joyous, almost like the music of a beloved song.

Such as taking a family vacation, much more modest than taken by everyone around us, and considering it the best vacation ever, only because we managed to do it and enjoy it for the first time.

We tend to look at these routine events with an unsatisfied approach. We do not always get excited by them as we should. We cannot be satisfied with what we have and we are busy with what we have not yet achieved. We fail to enjoy the small things and to focus on the beautiful elements of the big picture.

I recommend to collect small joys whenever possible. Life is short… 

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I’ve been thinking for a few days about the post that I should write.But Then, a story was aired in the “Kan” channel about Meshi Peretz, a girl on the autistic spectrum who died in the cared-persons group home where she was living.


This is still the beginning of the year and he has a very hard time. The class is the same, the group of kids did not change, the “sponsoring” class was not changed and only some of the staff was replaced. I wondered why is he having such a hard time?

Special Friend

They say that every kid needs one grownup to be believe in him. I think that every kid needs also to feel significant for another kid to see him as a role model.

Picture of Tamar Frank

Tamar Frank

Hi, I am Tamar Frank. I am the mother of two girls and his mother, a boy on the autistic spectrum, who dreams and aspires for him. For him and for herself. Struggling 24/7 but a hopeless optimistic. I want you to understand how it is to be that kind of mother, and if not you are kindly invited to ask. If you too are ‘his’ or ‘her’ parents then you will not feel alone. If you do not have ‘special’ kids, let’s meet so that you do not shy away.

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